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TNE Quality Benchmarking (TNE QB)
The TNE QB process

If you are thinking of applying please contact the TNE QB team directly at [email protected]. This will start a process of initial engagement through which the scope of the benchmarking will be agreed and a service agreement signed.

Two weeks after the service agreement is signed the provider will be briefed about the stages of the process and the Self Evaluation Document (SED) and supporting evidence to be submitted as the first step of the process.

The TNE QB peer review team, composed of TNE and quality assurance experts, including students, will undertake a desk-based analysis of the SED and the supporting evidence. The analysis will serve to identify key lines of inquiry to pursue during the review visits.

Review visits serve to explore issues and lines of inquiry highlighted by the desk-based analysis and triangulate evidence to support sound benchmarking against the TNE International standards underpinning TNE QB. Review visits will normally take place at the TNE delivery site, but there might be circumstances where the visit might need to take place at the TNE awarding institution, or entirely remotely.

After the review visit the TNE QB review team will produce a report containing a peer-review judgement on the alignment of benchmarked provision with the TNE ISs and a recommendation to the TNE QB Advisory Board for the award of the TNE QB Quality Mark.

The Advisory Board is composed of international experts, and guarantees that the final decision about the award of the TNE QB Quality Mark is reviewed independently. Successful providers will be able to use the TNE Quality Mark in their course information and promotional materials, and will be listed on the Ecctis TNE QB database. Their successful review will be disseminated through the Ecctis global community of practice, including host countries’ credential evaluators and regulators. The TNE QB Quality Mark is for 5 years, pending successful engagement with a mid-cycle review