Ecctis carries out a wide range of research in international qualifications and skills for international clients and partners, and to support our qualification recognition and evaluation, grade comparison, skills mapping, and benchmarking services for individuals and organisations.
Some of our recent research reports can be downloaded below.
In 2021, Ecctis carried out an international benchmarking and comparative subject analysis of the International Secondary Certificate (ISC) of the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) of South Africa. This new international upper-secondary qualification, based on the IEB’s previous international delivery of the National Senior Certificate (NSC), was analysed against comparison points in the education systems of Australia, Kenya, and the United Kingdom. The executive summary contains an overview of the project and its key findings, including conclusions regarding the comparability of the ISC in the selected comparison systems.
In 2023, Ecctis conducted a follow-up review of the ISC’s quality assurance and assessment practices. The findings are displayed in an additional executive summary.
A look back at the some of the highlights of Ecctis research in 2022, including our work with international clients and partners, as well as development and enhancement of information and services for our member organisations.
This report includes a summary of key work from 2022 in secondary education, transnational education and English medium education, and highlights from our international engagement activities. It also looks at member enquiry trends throughout the year, and looks back at some of our most popular articles.
This guide provides a summary of disruption to exams and assessment for upper secondary qualifications globally during the COVID-19 pandemic, covering arrangements for 2020, 2021 and 2022.
It is designed as a quick reference document for admissions teams, credential evaluators and those seeking to understand assessment for secondary qualifications awarded between 2020 and 2022.
Ecctis was commissioned by the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office to undertake a project that provides detailed, evidence-based, and in-depth insights into the opportunities, requirements, and constraints for a UK International Branch Campus (IBC) in Indonesia.
Through literature reviews, policy analysis, and key stakeholder engagement, the report explores the extent and nature of demand for UK degrees in ASEAN, along with the appetite for collaboration. As well as a contextual overview of the Transnational Education (TNE) landscape and operating environments in the ASEAN region, it provides focused insight into Indonesia as a viable destination for UK IBCs.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of quality online and distance learning, yet the recognition of qualifications obtained through distance learning is a long-standing and complex issue.
The third edition of this report looks at policies for the recognition of distance and blended learning in a key region: Southeast Asia. It will be of particular interest to those in the international education sector, from those in universities – international admissions, recruitment and partnerships – to recognition agencies, policy and accreditation bodies.
In the first half of 2021, school closures continued to affect learners across the world as countries responded to increases in cases and the emergence of new variants of the virus. Although fewer countries cancelled exams than in 2020, the ongoing disruption has led to changes to examinations and assessment for a second year.
This report summarises exam cancellations and postponements, and other changes to assessment in 2021. It also provides more in-depth guidance on alternative assessment where some or all exams were cancelled, with details of the approaches taken in France, India, Ireland, Italy and the UK.
The British Council designed and delivered an education development programme in Maharashtra State targeting primary and secondary teachers of English between 2012 and 2021. Ecctis was commissioned to undertake an independent evaluation of the Maharashtra Programme in 2020.
Through engagement with government officials, teacher trainers and English teaching experts, and conducting a review of project reports, national and state education policies and frameworks, Ecctis evaluated the Programme in terms of its relevance and coherence with state needs and objectives, its effectiveness, efficiency, impact and potential sustainability.
Since March 2020, UK ENIC has been tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education globally. School closures had a significant impact on school examinations and assessment; in many cases, national examinations were postponed, adapted or cancelled.
This report provides an overview of upper secondary assessment for over 120 qualifications worldwide, and analysis of the different approaches adopted globally. It also examines how changes to assessment affected student performance and grading.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of quality online and distance learning, yet the recognition of qualifications obtained through distance learning is a long-standing and complex issue.
The second edition of this report discusses some key challenges in the recognition of distance learning internationally, and also covers blended learning. It focuses on policies for the recognition of these modes of study in 15 key countries. It will be of particular interest to those in the international education sector, from those in universities – international admissions, recruitment and partnerships – to recognition agencies, policy and accreditation bodies.
On 17th March 2020, UK NARIC published its first issue of Charting the impact of COVID-19 on UK admissions and recruitment, summarising school closures and the anticipated impact on examinations in what were then the top four countries for COVID-19 cases – China, Italy, Iran and South Korea.
By early April, over 150 countries had closed schools as a result of the pandemic. This Special Report intends to build upon the global coverage provided by the blog, capturing the different global approaches to secondary assessment and the potential implications of these for further and higher education admissions. It provides a summary of arrangements, covering over 80 countries, with more detailed guidance on the UK, France, India, Ireland, Malta, Pakistan, the Caribbean and the USA.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of quality online and distance learning, yet the recognition of qualifications obtained through distance learning is a long-standing and complex issue.
This report discusses some key challenges in the recognition of distance learning internationally, with a particular focus on China, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Singapore and Sri Lanka. It will be of particular interest to those in the international education sector, from those in universities – international admissions, recruitment and partnerships – to recognition agencies, policy and accreditation bodies.