Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software Methodology and evaluation criteria
Methodology and evaluation criteria

When comparing overseas qualifications to UK qualifications, Ecctis considers the following criteria:

  • National recognition status of the qualification and awarding institution
  • Level of the qualification in the context of its home education system at the time of completion
  • Entry requirements
  • Course duration
  • Course structure, style and content
  • Assessment methods
  • Learning outcomes
  • Progression routes and rights.

This approach is in line with the underlying aims and objectives of the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

All factors are taken into account; no single factor is more important than any other. Course duration and the position of an award on a national or regional qualifications framework, for example, are not overriding factors in our evaluations.

In the case of older awards which have been retrospectively aligned to a certain qualification framework level in-country, the qualification standing at the time of completion will be a key factor in the evaluation process.

The outcome of an evaluation is a comparison to a standard, level or qualification in the UK, wherever relevant and possible.

Ecctis comparisons are presented as informed opinion and guidance; the decisions are not bound by law. UK higher and further education institutions, employers and professional bodies are independent organisations which will consider candidates at their own discretion, taking into account additional factors as necessary.