Our independent evaluation and bespoke research services have been well used by international awarding organisations such as:
Our evaluation studies can help to facilitate wider understanding of qualifications among key educational stakeholders in the UK and internationally and/or inform further development. The potential impacts of this include:
There is a vast range of education providers and qualifications available. It is more important than ever that education and training providers reassure prospective students that their qualification will be recognised. Our benchmarking services are an excellent promotional tool for institutions seeking to boost overseas recruitment whilst ensuring that programmes in need of further development are provided with tangible recommendations to support quality enhancement.
We can additionally offer widespread and targeted communication to educational stakeholders through its membership network spanning 62 countries. Please contact [email protected] to discuss further.
Awarding bodies and test providers can use our services to assist in qualification development and review. Our key areas of expertise are in qualification design principles and practice, learning outcomes, curriculum, assessment, English language and quality assurance. We offer expert, evidence-based recommendations to improve qualifications, drawing on international case studies, to inform internal review. We can provide practical and timely recommendations to strengthen pilot qualifications and ongoing structured support as required for established qualifications. Please contact [email protected] to discuss further.
We are a trusted provider of mapping tests and qualifications to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). We can also support dissemination of the findings to a global network of universities, professional bodies, government agencies and other educational stakeholders.