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English Language

Ecctis has a wide portfolio across English language including a focus on quality teaching and learning, and review of qualification design and assessments. We have worked on behalf of higher education institutions, awarding bodies and government agencies and ministries across the globe. Our core areas are as below:

  • EMI Quality Mark
  • CEFR Referencing projects
  • Bespoke and consultancy work in English

The EMI Quality Mark identifies and recognises quality teaching and learning in EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction). It focuses on good practice in institutional management of EMI, admissions and student support, as well as students’ academic and linguistic outcomes. For more information see EMI.

A core strand of our work focuses on CEFR referencing. This involves comparing and analysing the level of a language qualification against an international language framework (the CEFR). We have conducted independent evaluations of a number of well-known English language tests and courses.

We are also able to undertake bespoke or consultancy work in English. We have experience in conducting reviews and needs analyses of current English language provision in relation to higher education readiness and employability, developing recommendations for teacher professional development, and providing recommendations to strengthen English language assessment. For more information please contact [email protected]

Ecctis has supported government agencies, professional bodies and universities in determining whether English language tests and qualifications meet their entry requirements, thereby helping them to develop reliable English language admissions policies and decisions. To discuss how we may be able to help, please contact [email protected]