Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software Capacity Building
Capacity Building

Ecctis's specialist expertise, proven track record, and experience working at large scale means we are well-positioned to provide critical technical assistance and substantial capacity support in:

  • Devising national qualifications and skills frameworks
  • Advising and informing the development of qualifications and systems at national scale
  • Operational planning and establishment of national agencies, aligned with best practice in credential evaluation and recognition
  • Education system development to better meet domestic labour market needs, increase global competitiveness or align with international standards
  • Advising on occupational standards in qualifications
  • Building capacity in education and skills ministries, agencies, and wider sectors
  • Curriculum review and reformulation
  • Sector partnerships and delivery platforms
  • Developing and implementing quality assurance guidelines
  • Delivering or overseeing quality transnational education (TNE) and English as a Medium of Instruction
  • Employability and ‘soft skills’.

Ecctis has worked on projects funded by national government, the British Council, the European Commission, and at an international level. Ecctis also welcomes partnership opportunities in any of these areas of activity.

For more information, please contact [email protected]