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About Us
About us

Ecctis is one of the world’s leading providers of services in the recognition and evaluation of qualifications and skills. We offer solutions in the development of national education systems and frameworks for professional and student mobility.

Ecctis operates official recognition services on behalf of the UK Government:

UK ENIC is the UK National Information Centre for global qualifications and skills. Formerly UK NARIC, following the UK’s departure from the European Union, the NARIC national agency function is now known as UK ENIC.

UK Visas and Nationality services are provided on behalf of the UK Home Office.

Ecctis offers a range of products, benchmarking, consultancy, and capacity building solutions to organisations around the world. Over 1,000 member organisations - universities, colleges, businesses and governments - use our services, training, and resources. We support organisations in recruiting the best students, skilled labour and professionals, and in developing their systems to make informed decisions and to ensure integrity.

Our Crown Copyright publication on international qualifications and education systems provides comprehensive information on 210 countries, former countries and territories worldwide. Key resources include comparability information for nationally recognised qualifications and lists of recognised higher education institutions for each country or territory. Information is regularly reviewed and updated to reflect the most recent developments and ensure continued accuracy and relevance. This wealth of high quality data supports the appropriate recognition of international qualifications and skills for thousands of individuals and hundreds of stakeholder organisations.

What we do

We provide services for individuals and organisations, advising on comparisons of international qualifications against UK qualification framework levels.

The organisation offers products and services in 3 main areas:

  • Services for individuals: we provide comparison statements for people with international qualifications planning to work or study in the UK. The statements can also be used by individuals to help them through the UK's immigration system.
  • Services for organisations: we help academic institutions, businesses, recruitment and employment services, and government departments across the world by providing expert advice and insights about international education systems and qualifications.
  • Consultancy: We provide comprehensive and high quality consultancy services in international education and skills, offering practical solutions to a wide range of clients through bespoke research, analysis, capacity building and product development.

The following links will enable you to find out more about us, who we are and what we do: