We offer a range of unique services for universities, colleges and providers.
We have developed our services over the past 20 years to meet the specific needs of the sector.
We can help you compare international qualifications from over 200 countries, former states or territories with the equivalent levels of UK qualifications. We can also help you authenticate qualifications and detect fraud.
Universities and colleges face a constant challenge from the growth in education fraud and fake certificates and documents. Over the past two decades fraud has become a worldwide problem, as academic qualifications are increasingly important in areas such as immigration, employment and professional recognition.
To help you combat education fraud, please contact [email protected]
Many institutions offer courses in subject areas such as business, engineering, and sciences, for which students need a minimum level of maths proficiency to succeed. However, ensuring that applicants, especially international applicants, have the required knowledge can be challenging.
Ecctis has partnered with OMPT to bring a leading admissions solution in Europe to the UK and other countries. OMPT offers digital maths testing for university admissions that students can take anywhere and anytime, safely proctored. OMPT simplifies the admissions process by providing a reliable and fair check of students’ maths proficiency.
Universities and colleges need to comply with Home Office immigration regulations. We offer extensive online and face-to-face bespoke training to help ensure your organisation remains compliant. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Our international work means that we develop relationships with a wide range of universities and colleges, and with national, regional and international networks. Through these relationships we are able to offer and facilitate opportunities for international collaborations, exchanges and partnerships, which can offer potential for new initiatives, development in provision, and student recruitment.
It is more important than ever that education and training providers reassure prospective students that their qualification will be recognised. Our benchmarking services are an excellent promotional tool for institutions seeking to boost overseas recruitment.
Higher education providers can use our services to assist in qualification and curriculum development. We offer expert recommendations on improvement of qualification design and assessment, ensuring institutions enjoy continued recognition of rigorous high standards.
As more overseas institutions use the English language to teach academic subjects other than English itself, it is increasingly important to provide quality ratings for Higher Education providers offering English Medium Instruction (EMI) degree programmes. We offer the world’s first quality rating scheme for English Medium Instruction (EMI) degree programmes. For more information contact [email protected].
Ecctis manages UK ENIC on behalf of the UK Government.
To find out more about UK ENIC services available for universities and colleges – including Statement of Comparability, UK Qualification Reference Statement, member enquiry service and international grade comparisons - visit the
You’ll also find out more about training and events, including the annual UK ENIC conference.