The world’s first quality rating scheme for Higher Education providers offering English Medium Instruction (EMI) degree programmes.
The use of the English language to teach academic subjects (other than English itself) in countries or jurisdictions in which the majority of the population's first language is not English. (Dearden, 2015)
Ecctis has delivered an extensive portfolio of projects in the research, evaluation and benchmarking of qualifications and faculties on behalf of higher education institutions, awarding bodies and government agencies around the world.
With delivery partner Oxford EMI adding insight and experience from extensive research, publications and training on EMI, the aim of the new quality system is to recognise best practice within HE providers and offer other stakeholders a key resource for admissions and partnership opportunities.
The EMI Quality Mark identifies and recognises quality teaching and learning, as well as good practice in institutional management of EMI, admissions and student support, as well as students’ academic and linguistic outcomes.
An EMI Quality Mark will offer HE providers a rating based on independent and rigorous assessment against good practice in EMI. The findings can be used to support providers in promoting their provision to prospective students and to inform further development as needed.
The Scheme is open to higher education institutions, or individual faculties, centres, departments or schools within a higher education institution.
Those applying for the EMI Quality Mark will receive:
Those achieving the EMI Quality Mark Bronze, Silver or Gold will additionally receive: