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Company History
Company History
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July 2022 UK-India mutual recognition agreement signed. UK ENIC is lead negotiator within the UK-India Joint Taskforce for mutual recognition.
June 2021 Paul Norris, the Head of UK ENIC, elected as Vice-President of the ENIC Bureau.
February 2021 Ecctis Ltd begins to operate as an employee ownership trust meaning that our employees are able to have a meaningful say in how the business is run and operated.
January 2021 With the departure of the UK from the European Union, the UK NARIC agency title (NARIC is EU-specific) becomes UK ENIC, the UK National Information Centre – still part of the ENIC-NARIC network, and with no changes to the recognition function or services to customers or members. Our UK ENIC services, our Visas and Nationality services for the UK Home Office, and all our services in the arena of international education and skills are provided under the umbrella brand of Ecctis.
March 2020 Launch a range of services to support universities, colleges, employers and professional bodies during the COVID-19 pandemic
December 2019 UK-China Council launched to improve international partnerships and top-up progression opportunities for vocational colleges in the UK and China
September 2019 UK NARIC funds UNESCO research into the state of Syrian higher education
June 2019 Dr Cloud Bai-Yun elected to the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee Bureau representing the UK
December 2018 Dr Cloud Bai-Yun elected Vice President of quality assurance network in cross border education in Asia and Europe (CBQAN) Council 
October 2018 Memorandum of Understanding signed with Committee for the Belt and Road International Vocational Education Initiative. Dr Cloud Bai-Yun appointed honorary Chair of the UK and China’s Modern Apprenticeship and Education Cooperation Alliance, which aims to facilitate cooperation between UK institutions and Chinese vocational colleges.
May 2018 UK-Peru mutual recognition agreement signed with UK NARIC leading on the technical negotiations and drafting.
March 2018 Syrians in Jordan Refugee Qualification Recognition Scheme launched
July 2017 Memorandum of Cooperation signed with the Association of Arab Universities
May 2017 Memorandum of Cooperation signed with Malaysian Qualifications Agency
April 2017 20th anniversary of the 'Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education in the European Region' was adopted in April 1997 which established ENIC-NARICs.
March 2017 UK NARIC launch pilot of the European Qualifications Passports for Refugees
December 2016 Moved to new, larger headquarters in Cheltenham
November 2016 UK­-Colombia mutual recognition agreement signed
June 2016 UK-Chile mutual recognition treaty signed; UK NARIC played the lead role in the development of the technical content for the treaty
April 2015 Dr Cloud Bai-Yun participates in the launch of the Asian network of national recognition information centres (ANICs) at the Asia­ Europe Ministers’ meeting in Riga, Latvia.
March 2015 UK NARIC and Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications sign memorandum of co-operation fostering the mutual exchange of ideas and information, will facilitate joint programmes.
2013 Re-awarded tender to operate the UK NARIC service in open competition including service contract of National Assistance Centre under MRPQ and ECVET for England into service provision.
2011 Ecctis Ltd awarded contract to run the ECVET (European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) Contact Point for England.

Contract to run UK ReferNet service awarded to Ecctis Ltd.
December 2008 Ecctis Ltd awarded contract to manage the National Contact Point for Professional Qualifications in the UK (UK NCP) operating under contract to the Department of Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS).