If you are thinking of applying please contact the TVET-QRA team directly at [email protected]. This will start a process of initial engagement through which the eligibility to proceed with TVET-QRA will be assessed, and a service agreement signed.
Once eligibility is confirmed, we will brief providers about each stage of the TVET-QRA process. A timeline will be agreed starting with a date for the submission of a self-evaluation document (SED).
Providers will submit their SED in electronic form, following specific guidelines. The SED is intended to be a reflective document showing how a provider meets each of the TVET-QRA standards, supported by relevant documentary evidence.
The TVET-QRA peer review team, composed of quality assurance experts, senior staff from TVET providers, and practitioners with extensive TVET experience, will undertake a desk-based analysis of the SED and the supporting evidence. The analysis will serve to identify key lines of inquiry to pursue during the review visits.
Review visits serve to explore issues and lines of inquiry highlighted by the desk-based analysis and triangulate evidence to support sound benchmarking against the EQAVET standards. They normally last one whole day and involve a series of meetings with key stakeholders.
The outcome of the TVET-QRA is a report outlining the key findings of the review exercise, including areas of good practice and recommendations for improvement. It also provides an overall judgement on whether the reviewed provider meets the TVET-QRA standards and should be conferred the TVET-QRA Quality Mark.
The TVET-QRA Accreditation Board will consider the recommendations of the review team and their rationale, reaching an independent final decision on the outcome of the review exercise. Successful providers will have use of the TVET-QRA Quality Mark, and will be listed on the Ecctis hub. Their successful accreditation will be disseminated through the Ecctis global community of practice.