The Accreditation Board is composed of experts from the TVET sector and industry. The Accreditation Board offers an extra layer of peer scrutiny to the decision to confer the TVET-QRA Quality Mark. It checks that the TVET-QRA review team’s recommendation to confer the TVET-QRA Quality Mark is based on sound evidence and is consistent with the TVET-QRA Standards.
Dana is the Head of Unit for Training Programmes and Quality Assurance at the National Centre for TTVET Development, within the Romania Ministry of Education and Research. She has spent most of her career working in the field of TVET. She is involved in the development of the initial TVET in Romania, including the coordination of the elaboration of the Romanian TVET Strategy 2016-2020 and the implementation of Education and Training 2020 strategic framework for European Cooperation at national level. She coordinates the modernization of the initial TVET curriculum, competence based assessment, teachers’ training, development of the TVET quality assurance framework and learning materials. At European level, she is member of the Directors General for TVET (DGVT) and of the Advisory Committee for TVET (ACVT) groups coordinated by the EC, of the Steering Committee of the EQAVET network and of the Steering Group of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Priority Area 9 “Invest in People and Skills“. She is the national coordinator of the UNESCO UNEVOC centre.
Antonios is the Head of National Quality System Department of the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) in Greece. Previously he was the Director of the Accreditation Division of E.KE.PIS, the Greek National Accreditation Centre for Life Long Learning. Before that he gained a multi-sectoral and long experience in managerial positions in Private and multinational organizations. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of Skills Accreditation, and in the development and deployment of Skills Accreditation Systems based on the ISO 17024:2012 standard. He has acted as an Assessor of the National Quality Award, driven by the Greek Ministry of Development and holds a long experience as an EFQM Senior Assessor of the European Quality Award (EQA). Antonios is Vice President of the Advisory Committee for the Development of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) of Greece .
Nino has a strong background of more than 14 years in the field of TVET. During his career he gained hands on experience related to reforms of TVET System in Croatia and other European countries, TVET Quality Assurance, cooperation with social partners, linking TVET and Labour Market, Qualifications and NQF, etc. He is engaged in monitoring and follow-up of EU policies and tools (e.g. ET 2020; EQF, ECVET, EQAVET) and was a member of EQAVET Steering Committee 2019 – 2020. He managed various EU and other donors funded projects in Croatia. He is author and co-author of a number of articles and publication published in Croatia and EU.
Stephen Vickers holds a PhD in International Studies from the University of Warwick and is a qualified teacher and company secretary. He was CEO at the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH), the British Accreditation Council (BAC) and the Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT). He served as Treasurer and Hon European Officer for the Federation of Awarding Bodies, and spent 15 years at the University of Oxford Delegacy and 3 years at the University of Cambridge Syndicate and two years at Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA).
Phil retired from further education as a lecturer in travel and tourism in 2009, when he set up PW Consultancy Services specialising in education and customer service training. He was commissioned to prepare reports on behalf of the Welsh Government on the requirements and developments of EQARF related to National Qualifications Frameworks in the UK, and on the implementation of the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) in Wales.
In May 2013 Phil joined CollegesWales as a consultant specifically to continue work with EQAVET and also cover Cedefop and ReferNet activity. He has led on EQAVET activities since then and has represented the UK at Peer Learning Activities and working groups. In 2012 Phil was appointed as an ECVET Expert for the UK and has been involved in dissemination and training activities to promote the use of ECVET for mobility since then. He has been an Erasmus+ assessor since 2015.