TNE QB applies to TNE provision delivered at identified TNE operations, such as at a specific branch campus or collaborative partnership, or through a particular model of distance learning delivery. Within scope of the benchmarking activity are:
For TNE operations offering a large suite of qualifications a TNE QB benchmarking exercise will normally focus on a subset of programmes of study. In these cases, the review of how institutional policies and practices for the management of TNE operations are implemented in the specific case under review might support the generalisation of the outcomes of the benchmarking exercise, including the conferral of the TNE QB Quality Mark to the whole or larger suite of qualifications being offered through the benchmarked TNE operation.
For those awarding institutions with several TNE operations it will be possible to review all or a selected sample of TNE operations as part of a single review exercise. In the latter case, the outcomes of the TNE QB exercise would apply only to those operations subject to review.
The TNE QB Quality Mark does not apply to a whole institution, but only to programmes of study and resulting qualifications delivered at successfully benchmarked TNE operations.