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TNE Quality Benchmarking (TNE QB)
TNE Quality Enhancement and Capacity Development

In addition to benchmarking established TNE provision through the TNE QB scheme, Ecctis drawing on its pool of international experts can offer quality enhancement and capacity development support services.

This is for providers who might not wish to go through a TNE QB exercise, but would only like to have an external and reliable enhancement oriented health check of their TNE operations or their systems for establishing and managing TNE operations. Engagement in Quality Enhancement review is confidential, and it would involve a bespoke external review of particular TNE operations or/and institution wide policies and processes for TNE, responding to the specific needs of the interested provider. TNE Quality Enhancement review can also prepare providers to go through TNE QB at a later stage.

This is for providers wishing to develop their capacity for establishing, managing, and/or delivering TNE provision. This service can be useful for both providers wishing to develop their capacity as TNE awarding intuitions or providers wishing to develop their capacity as partners of TNE awarding institutions. Drawing on its pool of international experts, Ecctis will be able to develop bespoke training  service to respond the specific capacity development needs of different providers.