Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software Fast Track service
An optional additional service that gives a faster service timeline for your Visas and Nationality (English proficiency) application.

This service is a premium add-on service for people who need an urgent evaluation of their qualifications, with a completion time of 1 or 2 working days.

Your service will be completed by the due date shown on your application – provided that we have all the documents required and that payment has been made. Please note that if there are queries about your application or about your documents, then this may delay completion of the service.

We will contact you via your account if we require additional documents. Note that the service completion timeline re-sets when you upload further documents.

Some applications may require additional research – this means the evaluation process may take longer. If this happens with your application, then you will be sent a message via your account.

If you choose to add the Fast Track service to your Visas and Nationality (English proficiency) application, this will:

  • Reduce the completion time of your order from 10 working days to 1 or 2 working days, depending on the option chosen (note that the 1 or 2 day turnround is possible only when we have received all necessary documents for the service and full payment)
  • Allow access to an e-Statement version of your statement after completion of your order. The e-Statement can be downloaded through the User Portal and shows the outcome of your qualification evaluation.

The e-Statement can be used to evidence the outcome of your evaluation to the Home Office, employers and institutions. The e-Statement is provided to reduce the time it takes for you to know about the outcome of your evaluation.

This premium additional service can only be applied to the Visas and Nationality service (English proficiency) service.

All other services provided by Ecctis cannot be Fast Tracked due to the verification process that is a part of these services.

When making your application, you need to choose between the Standard timeframe, or Fast Track. Choosing Fast Track applies this additional service to the Visas and Nationality service (English proficiency) and will be mentioned in the Order Summary page before payment.

If you have already applied for the Standard timeframe and now want to upgrade your application, you can do this by selecting the “Add Fast Track” button in the User Portal, and following the given steps. You will have to make a payment for the added option to add it as an upgrade to your order.

(Note that the “Add Fast Track” button only shows when you have ordered and paid for a service to which the Fast Track option can be added.)

As with all Ecctis services, the time clock for service completion does not start until we have received all the necessary documents and payment. Therefore, with Fast Track, the time clock for 1 or 2 working days completion time starts from when full payment is received.

Our Evaluation Team reviews Fast Track applications as a priority when they are received. If any further documents are required, we will update you - and tell you in your online application. We then wait for the additional documents to be received. The time clock for service completion starts from the date when the additional documents are received.

There are two Fast Track options offered by Ecctis. These are the 24 hours Fast Track and the 48 hours Fast Track.

Fast Track Timeframe in working days Price in addition to the Visas and Nationality service (English proficiency)

24 hour Fast Track (1 working day)

1 working day* from when we have received all necessary documents and payment.

174.00 + VAT**

48 hour Fast Track (2 working days)

2 working days* from when we have received all necessary documents and payment.

124.00 + VAT**

*Working days are Monday-Friday (excluding UK public holidays and bank holidays). The working day ends at 5pm UK time. You can see the estimated completion date for your order on your order status.