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Supporting local charities
Cupped hands upon which rests a ring of paper men, on a blurred green background

We believe that business can be a force for good and that it’s important to give something back to the communities that we live and work in. It’s why we support local charities located near our global headquarters, providing opportunities for people to develop their skills, support social mobility and embrace new opportunities.

In the UK, we’re supporting three charities local to us:

Caring for Communities and People (CCP)
Logo for caring for communities and people, featuring silhouettes of people in a variety of life stages

CCP’s vision is of a caring, supportive and inclusive society, where everybody should have a place they can call home.

Ecctis has supported CCP is the following ways:

Challenge 52

Provided support to CCP’s Community Pantry, which provides members with food and essential household items worth around £20, for just £4 a week, with fresh produce and other groceries free when available.

Help make a house a home

Provided funding and expertise to develop starter packs that allow each young person who accesses CCP’s supported accommodation to personalise their own space through decorating it, choosing furniture and soft furnishing items. Through each pack, CCP can support a young person to feel safe, welcome and feel at home.

Hamper Scamper

Co-owners have donated Christmas food and gifts to CCP’s Hamper Scamper, helping over 2,000 families to manage the additional expenditure associated with the festive season. CCP’s hampers contain items that’ll help make Christmas a little easier for those struggling to make ends meet throughout the year.

Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees and GARAS
Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees logo, featuring the silhouette of a bird upon a white hand
GARAS logo

Cheltenham Welcomes Refugees and GARAS support asylum seekers and refugees in Gloucestershire. Ecctis is supporting these organisations in the following ways:

  • Providing English language teaching resources
  • Supporting local mobility
  • Promoting the opportunity to integrate in the local community
  • Removing barriers to education for children and adults by providing funds for uniform and equipment
  • Promoting wellbeing, by providing a grant to support various mental health initiatives

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust logo, featuring the face of a badger

Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust’s mission is to value nature. They strive to help the local community to preserve, recreate and reconnect with nature.

As a responsible employer, we also recognise the importance of looking after our local environment and we’ve funded a local learning hut, which will help local school children connect with nature.

In addition, Ecctis has also funded the Roots for a Wilder Future; an in-school outdoor learning project, which will grow and embed connections between some of Gloucestershire’s disadvantaged school communities and the natural world.