Our Work in China

Ecctis has been active in the education and skills sector in China for 20 years. We worked on the 2003 UK-China mutual recognition agreement, and in the 2010s we assisted in the development of national qualification and skills frameworks for key industry sectors. In 2018 and 2019, we supported the creation of new partnerships between universities in China and the UK through our AIR programme, which led to new joint China-UK vocational degree courses. We have a number of long-standing MoUs with important educational and skills organisations in China.

Our work with China’s vocational colleges

For over 3 years, we have been working with China’s higher vocational colleges to help them raise standards and to internationalise. There are over 1400 of these higher level colleges in China. Around 200 of them are designated for special development under the national Double-High programme. We have been working with these Double-High colleges.

We have created a strong in-country presence in China through our partner company Nalike, with offices in Beijing. In collaboration with Nalike and the colleges, we have founded a UK-China Council for Vocational Education, which now has almost 40 member colleges. This fosters international partnerships and creates a forum for knowledge exchange. The Council holds regular conferences and events in China, and takes part in international events.

The main course offer of the higher vocational colleges is a 3-year Diploma. These are occupationally-focused. There is often strong employer and industry engagement with these Diplomas. Ecctis has now reviewed and benchmarked a number of these Diplomas to compare them with international qualification frameworks and quality standards. This will better enable the colleges to establish international partnerships, including student exchange and progression. It also supports the colleges in raising standards and matching international best practice in TVET.