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Enic NARIC Contributions
Over a decade of research and practice promoting fair international recognition of skills and qualifications Drawing on the expertise and invaluable experience of running a successful national agency for recognition and its role as an established member of the ENIC-NARIC Networks, we has made significant contributions to the range of European funded projects as UK NARIC. These projects have one common objective: to promote and support best practice in the recognition of qualifications and skills. The project reports are listed below

UK NARIC Published Reports
Stacking Credits and the Future of Qualifications (STACQ)
Allocating Credit to EU Professional Training Programmes (ACEPT)
Aligning Badges, ESCO and the Certificate Supplement (ABECS)
Developing ECVET in Practice (DECVIP)
The Changing Role of NARICs (CHARONA)
The Changing Role of NARICs: Stakeholder Perspective (CHARONA II)
ENIC Capacity Building in the Caucasus
ENIC Capacity Building in the Former Yugoslavia Region
Joint programmes: Quality Assurance and Recognition (JOQAR)
Recognition of International Qualifications: Online Course
Recognition of formal, non- and informal learning: use of learning outcomes (REFNILLO)
Tuning Educational Structures in Europe: A Guide to Formulating Degree Programme Profiles (CoRe II)
ENIC Capacity Building - Georgia and Azerbaijan
European Area of Recognition: Practical Guidelines for Fair Recognition of Qualifications (EAR)
Guidelines for Training of Credential Evaluators in Lithuania (GTCE)
ENIC Capacity Building with Serbia and Albania
Implementing and Improving National Action Plans (IINAP)
Formal Recognition of Non-Formal and Informal Learning
Competences in Education and Cross-Border Recognition (CoRe I)
Survey on Substantial Differences
Pathways for Skills Transfer: UK NARIC Trade Recommendations
HEI Data Record Extension
EQF by NQFs: Similarities and Differences of the National Reports
Recognition of Bologna Master’s Degrees in Europe
Evaluation of Recognition Criteria to Promote Good Practice
European Higher Education Institution (HEI) Data Record Project
Mapped Careers Project
Comparative Study of New Bachelor and Master’s degrees: Germany, Italy and the UK
Grading Transfer System - Increasing Transparency of Access Qualifications for Higher Education in Europe
Increasing Transparency of Access Qualifications for Higher Education in Europe
Independent Review of the Syrian Interim Government Secondary Qualifications
Promoting European-Levantine Internationalisation and Automatic Recognition of Qualifications (PELIARQ)
Comparing Qualifications for Reliable Recognition – QUATREC
Comparing Qualifications for Reliable Recognition – QUATREC 2
Evaluating e-Learning for Academic Recognition (e-VALUATE)
Global Outreach – European Recognition Practices (GO-ERP)
Automatic Recognition in the Networks (AR-NET)
Aiding Digital Diploma Supplement Usage and Promotion (ADDS UP)