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iQe and international week

Ecctis provides high-level consultancy and training to help governments, authorities and regulators develop their own national ENIC-NARIC recognition agency.

The programme, the first of its kind in the world, is a long-term partnership for training, development, support and capacity building.

Who is this for?
  • Ministries/Governments outside the UK who want to develop their own national ENIC-NARIC recognition agency
  • Existing ENIC-NARICs and other recognition agencies outside the UK

How it works

Clients have a number of different options. You can send a team to Ecctis to observe how the UK ENIC is delivered. During the week in the UK, participants will shadow our work and undergo training at our HQ. Your team will experience a busy functioning recognition centre to see first-hand how we research and compare systems and frameworks. Participants can experience how the call centre handles user enquiries in real time, and will be introduced to our technical and IT systems. Our researchers will be fully available to explain how to use information sources and how to cross check information accurately and thoroughly.

Alternatively, Ecctis can send personnel to you to train and consult on-site. One advantage of this approach is that it is cost-effective for whole-group training of larger teams.

Finally, these two approaches can be combined. Key team members can have the clear benefits of experiencing real-time, real-world issues and interactions at first hand at Ecctis. Then this can be combined with whole group training to put this into practice back at base.

The training includes:
  • Job shadowing, working alongside our researchers, evaluators and operational teams at our UK headquarters
  • Working with Ecctis members to understand how recognition decisions and evaluations are used and acted upon
  • Advanced training and interactive workshop sessions with presentations, discussion, and Q&A
  • Participants will consider a wide range of case studies to fully appreciate the challenges and constraints, and so move towards effective practical approaches and solutions.
  • You will be assigned a Ecctis mentor to guide you through the training and support you afterwards.

What you will learn:
  • How to evaluate and compare qualifications and appropriate methodologies
  • The mechanisms and processes of international recognition
  • Qualification verification and fraud prevention
  • Exploring and understanding important national frameworks and sectoral frameworks in current use
  • Recognition issues related to qualification and skills frameworks
  • How to initiate and develop new frameworks for national education systems
  • How to examine and analyse national education systems, for both academic and vocational qualifications
  • Consider case study qualification systems and their frameworks from a wide range of countries.
  • Draw on lessons and best practice from recent and current Ecctis projects worldwide in framework development
  • Explore and understand key issues and challenges in international professional recognition
  • Understand and address the principles and implications of the relevant EU Directives on professional mobility
  • Develop best practice in professional qualifications to optimise international recognition.

Ecctis welcomes enquiries from any organization wishing to develop recognition capacity in international qualifications and skills. Please contact our team on [email protected].