Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software Promoting European-Levantine Internationalisation and Automatic Recognition of Qualifications (PELIARQ)
Promoting European-Levantine Internationalisation and Automatic Recognition of Qualifications (PELIARQ)

The PELIARQ project involves Ecctis working alongside project partners UNIMED and MFHEA to promote opportunities for internationalisation between European universities and higher education institution in the Levant; and to promote improved recognition of qualifications and transparency around the education systems of Levantine countries in Europe. For this project, the focus countries in the Levant are Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. 

The project will engage with stakeholders via surveys, interviews and other activities, in order to develop guidance and support tools on internationalisation opportunities, and education systems in the region, for universities to use to improve engagement between Europe and the Levant.

The project will produce an interactive guidance tool (which will be accessible online towards the conclusion of the project, in 2022) to aid institutions in understanding the options and opportunities available.

The PELIARQ project is funded via the Erasmus+ Programme and will be completed in August 2022.

The project is led by Ecctis, in partnership with:

Contact: [email protected]
Head of European Programmes Group

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Logo: Co-funded by the Erasmus Programme of the European Union logo