Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software Independent Review of the Syrian Interim Government Secondary Qualifications
Independent Review of the Syrian Interim Government Secondary Qualifications
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The Syrian Interim Government (SIG) has established a Ministry of Education to organise and oversee the provision of a 12-year system of education in Syria and in select refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. The SIG awards two exit qualifications the General Preparatory Certificate Shahâdat al-Dirâsi al-edâdiyya al-Ämma al Kafâ’a or Brevet in Grade 9 and the General Secondary Certificate Al Shahâda al-Thânawiyya al-Ämma in Grade 12.

UK NARIC worked with the US-based development agency Chemonics International’s Idarah Program – funded by DID, to undertake an independent review of the qualifications. The objectives were to inform the ongoing and review of the development of the qualifications, and to further inform understanding of these qualifications among admitting institutions and employers.

Acknowledging that the SIG are operating under extreme, emergency conditions, it was determined that an in-country site visit would not be feasible. Nevertheless, in conducting a desk-based review of the documentation available combined with video recordings of delivery and assessment and a series of structured telephone interviews with the Deputy Minister of Education, teachers and key personnel in the Educational Directorates; UK NARIC was able to complete an objective review and broad comparative analysis to UK secondary education standards.

It is acknowledged that the system and qualifications may be subject to further review and development; nevertheless it is hoped that the key findings published by z on the Grade 9 and 12 Certificates can be used to inform and support progression routes for Syrian students.