Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software Implementing and Improving National Action PlansĀ (IINAP)
Implementing and Improving National Action PlansĀ (IINAP)
Document Thumbnail: Report: Implementing and Improving National Action Plans

The use of National Action Plans (NAPs) to monitor and improve the quality of the credential evaluation processes was first agreed in 2005. The purpose of IINAP was to develop a more coherent approach to recognition across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by:

  • developing a blueprint NAP, to improve the content and help NARICs to complete their NAPs
  • providing recommendations on how to apply the improvements highlighted in the NAPs.

In encouraging NARICs to critically review and reflect on their practices and procedures, the project promotes the development of each centre and ultimately the Networks, contributing to greater clarity and coherence in recognition.

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