Click4Assistance UK Live Chat Software European Area of Recognition: Practical Guidelines for Fair Recognition of Qualifications (EAR)
European Area of Recognition: Practical Guidelines for Fair Recognition of Qualifications (EAR)
Document Thumbnail: European Area of Recognition: Practical Guidelines for Fair Recognition of Qualifications (EAR)

The EAR project produced the first comprehensive and coherent guidelines on recognition best practice in Europe.

Building on the recommendations of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, the guidelines draw together the experience of UK NARIC, along with NARICs from the Netherlands, Poland, France, Denmark, Lithuania and the Czech Republic, to provide practical tips and case studies on assessing international qualifications.

In addition to promoting consistency in recognition practice across the ENIC-NARIC Networks, the guidelines aim to provide those involved in evaluating qualifications - from further and higher educations institutions to professional bodies, employers and government agencies across the globe - with a comprehensive and easy-to-use reference tool that supports fair and transparent decisions on the recognition of international qualifications. In doing so, the guidelines represent an important contribution to global mobility.

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