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ENIC Capacity Building in the Former Yugoslavia Region
Document Thumbnail: Report: ENIC Capacity Building in the Former Yugoslavia Region

Building on the success of previous capacity building projects, UK NARIC in partnership with the Croatian ENIC-NARIC, successfully delivered a range of capacity building activities in the Former Yugoslavia region in order to faciliate consistency and best practice in the recognition of international qualifications.

Drawing on the experience of UK NARIC and its partner recognition centres, a comprehensive programme of focussed and interactive workshops was developed and delivered, covering topics related to:

  • recognition theory and its practical application
  • international education systems with a focus on countries in the Former Yugoslav area, the UK, Russia, Germany and the USA
  • national and transnational qualification frameworks and their use in recognition
  • the practicalities of running an effective recognition centre including information development and identifying fraudulent documentation.

In doing so, the project has helped not only to increase awareness and understanding of recognition criteria and tools among the beneficiary centres but has contributed to wider EU policy objectives by facilitating recognition of qualifications and skills across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and beyond.

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