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ENIC Capacity Building in the Caucasus
Document Thumbnail: Report: ENIC Capacity Building in the Caucasus

This project is the latest in a series of capacity building projects, undertaken by UK NARIC, for recognition centres across Europe. These projects seek to facilitate best practice in recognition, coherent with the recommendations of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, to promote fair recognition and mobility for all.

Taking forward the success of the 2010 programme with Georgia and Azerbaijan, this two-year project extended capacity building activities to Armenia. UK NARIC and its partners delivered workshops for recognition centres from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia pertaining to:

  • Recognition principles and tools
  • Joint degrees
  • Professional qualifications
  • Vocational qualifications and ECVET

Through these interactive workshops and project dissemination activities, the project has helped to increase transparency and collaborative working both among the three beneficiairy centres but more broadly within the ENIC-NARIC Network, thereby supporting fair recognition of qualifications and skills and global mobility.

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