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Developing ECVET in Practice (DECVIP)
Document Thumbnail: Developing ECVET in Practice (DECVIP)

The DECViP project aimed to further develop the use of ECVET principles and tools through practical, “step-by-step” testing and sharing of innovative practice between project partners from the UK, Austria and Finland. UK NARIC coordinated the project team to deliver key outcomes which can be used by stakeholders across Europe to improve current practices in using ECVET for mobility and to strengthen and support productive partnerships between VET institutions across the continent.

During the course of the two-year project, funded by the European Commission through the Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation programme, the team:

  • Tested the application of ECVET points to qualifications, and the comparison of learning outcomes between comparable vocational programmes
  • Tested the use and practical application of templates for the “Learner Agreement” and “Memorandum of Understanding”
  • Drafted a practical guide to using ECVET, entitled “Make It Count”
  • Hosted seminars with policy-makers and practitioners to share the project findings and outcomes

The guide (“Make It Count”) includes information and advice on the use of ECVET, the development and use of Memoranda of Understanding and Learner Agreements, and the steps for developing functioning partnerships for ECVET mobility. It is practically-oriented and so “example” students are used throughout to ensure the advice is relevant and grounded in practice. Examples of completed templates for the Learner Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding form annexes to the guide. “Make It Count” has been shared across Europe, and other teams of ECVET Experts in countries including Germany, Poland and Lithuania are using the guide as a tool to support ECVET development in their own countries.

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