Aiding Digital Diploma Supplement Usage and Promotion (ADDS UP) aimed to improve the use of the Diploma Supplement, in particular supporting higher education institutions to issue the document automatically, digitally, free of charge and in a major European language to every graduate.
This was a 2 year project running from October 2020 – October 2022. It involved identifying current practices regarding the Diploma Supplement, allowing for the sharing of best practices and a peer review process.
The project was led by Ecctis, in partnership with the following organisations:
The project has produced three key outputs: a training module, associated guidance, and a survey stock take report. You can access all three below.
ADDS UP Project Stock Take Survey Report
The training module is designed to aid universities and other higher education institutions to learn more about the benefits of the Diploma Supplement and how it can be issued to students, digitally and automatically.
The training module is divided into three sections:
Accompanying this online training module is the ADDS UP Digital Diploma Supplement Guidance outlining the subjects covered in the training and providing links and tips.
We encourage everyone who completes the training module to send us questions and comments.
[email protected]
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.