The TNE QB scheme is a comprehensive service available to:
- all eligible awarding institutions offering TNE provision, regardless of their location of origin or of delivery (see below for eligibility criteria);
- all type of TNE delivery arrangements, including branch campuses, collaborative partnerships, and online learning, in their different forms;
all levels of training and higher education at or above level 7 of
Band Framework©
(coinciding with level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework.)
Eligibility criteria:
In order to be considered eligible to undergo TNE QB, TNE operations must meet the following criteria:
- The TNE awarding institution must be recognised as a legitimate education provider by the relevant authorities in its home country;
- The TNE operation to be benchmarked must be already operational, with at least one cohort having graduated from any of their programmes[1];
- Only TNE provision at the level for which an awarding institution is recognised as legitimate education provider by the relevant authorities in its home country will fall within scope of TNE QB.
If you are thinking to applying or for further enquiry please contact the TNE QB team at [email protected]
[1] It is possible for TNE QB Quality Mark to apply, on a provisional basis, to TNE operations which have not yet graduated any cohort of students.